The initial assessment will involve the completion of questionnaires, discussion and physical testing within the Patient's current abilities.  Any testing will be appropriate to the Patient's present medical and physical status. Suitable clothing should be worn and it may be necessary for some clothing to be removed at certain stages of the assessment.  It may also be necessary for the Therapist to palpate (touch) and move the Patient's limbs during the assessment process.  At any stage of the assessment or treatment process, the Patient can decide whether they want the process to continue or be stopped if they are uncomfortable or in pain

      Treatment This depends on what problems have been found during the initial assessment. It may incorporate many different elements of some of the following programmes:

   ● strengthening

   ● flexibility

   ● range of movement

   ● balance

   ● movement retraining

   ● gait

   ● social activities / hobbies
    The most important factor is that the Patient is safe and confident to do any exercises prescribed by the Therapist, especially when exercising alone.  The exercise regime is a progressive regime which aims to constantly lead the Patient forward until they are safe and confident in their own abilities and environment.  
  Full guideline
The full guideline, ‘The assessment and prevention of falls in older people’, is published by the National Collaborating Centre for Nursing and Supportive Care, The Royal College of Nursing Institute.  It is available on its website (, the NICE website ( and on the website of the National Electronic Library for Health ( 

Information for the public
A version of this guideline for people at risk of falling, their advocates and carers, and for the public is available from the NICE website ( or from the NHS Response Line (0870 1555 455); quote reference number N0761 for an English version and N0762 for an English and Welsh version). This is a good starting point for explaining to patients the kind of care they can expect.
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