“Rehabilitare” - To Make Fit Again      
    If you search for a definition of 'rehabilitation' on the internet you are sent thousands of sites to look at.  Ask for “rehabilitation” and there are millions of sites.  So it can be a complex and perplexing area of medicine.  One definition is “The process of restoration of skills by a person who has had an illness or injury so as to regain maximum self-sufficiency and function in a normal or as near normal manner as possible”. Medical rehabilitation is an active process to reduce the effects of “disease” on daily life.

I prefer the simpler statement “To protect or restore personal and social identity”.   Any neurological disorder has a profound effect, not only on the Patient, but also family and friends, therefore any form of rehabilitation should incorporate all aspects of the patient's life – another reason why domiciliary physiotherapy can be so useful.
    Rehabilitation is not achieved by doing something to somebody.  It involves a process of change in which the person concerned participates.

Neurological physiotherapy is a detective story; a complex mixture of the past and present history of the patient.

The daily interactions with family, carers and friends all play a part so that monitored goals can be achieved, to maximise abilities and reduce de-motivating emotions
        Click here to see details of the NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS 0782 772 8819